LUNA premiered incredible images of an area that has not been explored until now, here is what was revealed to the whole world.

moon images

MOON FABRIC has published for the first time images from an area that until last year had not been exploded by any astronaut, they came thanks to the Chinese who sent a spaceship to analyze that area. We are talking about the remote area of ​​the MOON, where neither NASA nor any other space agency has reached until now, but China has worked up the courage to explore it and find out at least some of its well-guarded secrets.

LUNA china images

MOON FABRIC that area was explored by China with a spaceship named Chang'e 4, it selenized there some time ago, and sending a robot to study the surface in as much detail as possible. China turned off all the instruments of the ship and the robot when it could no longer get in contact with them because of the way the MOON rotates, turning them on later when communications were possible again, and thus managed to discover quite a few secrets.


LUNA china dark images

MOON FABRIC had an unusual material discovered by the Chinese a few months ago, their robot reaching a crate where it took the first pictures of what seemed to be the result of a melted bottle. The researchers came to the conclusion that everything would be the result of an impact between a meteorite and the surface of the MOON, but this was a discovery for the first time that showed the researchers that there are still many secrets that we should discover about with the Earth's natural satellite.

LUNA china incredible images

MOON FABRIC it still has these extremely interesting images published by the Chinese to show us that there are many secrets that the world should discover but with more exploration. The MOON has recently become interesting again for the Americans, who want to make a base there to send people further to Mars, but it remains to be seen to what extent their project will be able to be realized just as they imagine now.

LUNA china land images

MOON FABRIC it will be explored further by the Chinese for some time to show us more images like we have not seen before, and I am sure that they have prepared various other major discoveries.