Android: Google makes a long-awaited Major Change

Android players

Android has finally made a change in the phones of all users that those at Google have been waiting for a very long time, one that should have come a few years ago. More precisely, those from Google thought that there should be a Game Mode in phones with the Android operating system, i.e. a function that would "squeeze" every "drop" of performance out of the phones because users to benefit from an improved gaming experience.

Android has implemented this major change after over the last few years several mobile phone manufacturers have decided to offer functions of this kind for their devices. Now Google wants to offer something unified for all phone models that run Android, and this in the conditions where each manufacturer has had its own implementation until now and not all of them have turned out to be as good as people would have liked .

Android: Google makes a long-awaited Major Change

Android high performance players

Android has this game mode implemented in version 12 of the operating system for mobile phones, and a special section in the settings application will have this function available. Google has thought of everything with 3 settings that can be chosen by Android users, each of them being made to offer a different gaming experience, so players have to choose very carefully what they want to have an experience the better.

Android primarily has a setting for good performance in the game, i.e. high FPS, and this will probably reduce the quality of the graphics to a certain extent so that the fluidity is as high as possible. The second setting uses the standard settings of the game, while the last one is thought to reduce the energy consumption as much as possible while playing, and here we are probably talking again about the reduction of graphics and other elements that consume energy.

Android has all these changes now being tested in beta by Google, so it remains to be seen when exactly they will be released in the final version for all of us.