Pod2G – de la DJ la hacker in doar cativa ani

  Pod2G este fara discutie unul dintre cei mai populari membri ai echipei Chronic Dev, iar in poza de mai sus el este personajul din miloc. Inca de la varsta de 6 ani Pod2G sustine ca a inceput sa invete algoritmii si codurile dispozitivelor electronice, iar 2 ani mai tarziu era aparent capabil sa isi scrie propriul cod. Mai tarziu el a devenit DJ, insa se pare ca aceasta meserie nu l-a multumit, astfel ca acum este unul dintre cei care castiga zeci de mii de dolari o data la cateva luni prin lansarea unor solutii de jailbreak pentru iOS.

  Cel mai interesant proiect la care a participat Pod2G pare a fi Absinthe 2.0, insa parerea sa s-ar putea schimba dupa lansarea iOS 6 si exploatarea vulnerabilitatilor pe care el si Chronic Dev Team le-ar avea pentru viitoarea versiune a sistemului de operare conceput de catre Apple. Mai jos aveti extrasul unui scurt interviu facut de Redmond Pie la HITB 2012.

Craig Fox: What age were you when you got into programming? 
Pod2g: I was 6 years old. I started on my father’s computer ZX Spectrum, and he bought me a book with basic source code, I copied the stuff from the book, then I started to understand code and started to write my own at the age of 8.

Craig Fox: To date, what is the coolest project you have worked on? 
Pod2g: Without a doubt the coolest project I’ve worked on is the latest Absinthe Jailbreak, and what we did with Corona + Rocky Racoon is very nice.

Craig Fox: What’s the worst thing to happen to you whilst making a Jailbreak?

Pod2g: Yes, I would say the release of Limera1n hurt us a lot at first, but in the end it was the right move, we feel as Limera1n worked on many more devices than SHAtter did. And I can say, as a few months have passed that this was the right move from him. So it wasn’t really the worst thing that happened but it was at the time.

Craig Fox: Have you coded anything for the App Store? 
Pod2g: No, but I wanted to make one App for DJ’S, as I used to be a DJ and I felt there are no good Apps in the App Store for DJs to scratch. (I suggested Djay to him here) 
Pod2g: Djay’s scratch algorithm is all wrong, it sucks. (So make a better one I said) to which he replied “I have but I have no plans to release it”.

Craig Fox: What do you think Apple will announce at WWDC this year? 
Pod2g: I think Apple will for sure announce iOS 6 and a new iPhone.