iWatch urmeaza sa fie lansat in 2014, va include senzori biometrici si nu numai

  Apple iWatch este denumirea smartwatch-ului pe care Apple il are in momentul de fata in proces de dezvoltare in cadrul laboratoarelor sale, iar un analist sustine ca abia in 2014 il vom avea disponibil in magazine. Avand in trecut informatii exacte despre lansarea produselor Apple, analistul sustine ca Apple si-a concentrat toate resursele in dezvoltarea iPhone 5S, iPad 5 si iPad Mini 2, iWatch-ul urmand a fi lansat anul viitor, dupa continuarea procesului de dezvoltare, lipsa de maturitate a pietei fiind unul dintre motivele puternice care tin produsul in loc.

Apple may not have adequate resources to develop an iWatch version of iOS because it may require big changes to iPhone and iPad iOS this year. In addition, wearable device components aren’t mature. For these reasons, we think mass production of the iWatch is more likely to begin in 2H14, not 2H13 as the market speculates.

iWatch panel to be 1.5-2.0 inches, and likely to be made by Japanese or Korean supplier. We think a 1.5-2.0 inch panel suits watch applications best. The reason for choosing Japanese or Korean suppliers is that they enjoy closer cooperation with Apple, hence are more likely to become suppliers for Apple’s new products.

  Lasand la o parte intarzierele in procesul de fabricatie, analistul sustine ca Apple ar urma sa foloseasca in ecran de 1.5 – 2 inch in viitorul produs, iPod Nano fiind sursa de inspiratie si componente pentru el. Practic Apple ar dori sa preia de la iPod Nano tehnologia touch, procesorul si alte componente importante, acest lucru fiind cat se poate de logic, avand in vedere ca foarte multi utilizatori au folosit iPod Nano exact precum un ceas digital, iar componentele sale s-ar potrivit fara probleme.

iWatch may use iPod nano’s GF2 touch technology and AP. Currently, the iPod nano uses the same GF2 touch technology as used by the iPad mini. Since the size and computing ability requirements of the iWatch are similar to those of the iPod nano, we think iWatch will use iPod nano’s GF2 touch technology and AP.

Biometrics to be a focus. With a biometrics function, the iWatch can provide safer and more convenient user identification and offer more health care applications, which would create new business opportunities.

Integration with other Apple products a key selling point. The more secure identification mechanism and a biometrics function that we forecast the iWatch will have are complementary to other Apple products, and will therefore enhance the user’s experience of Apple’s ecosystem.

  La final ramane implementarea unor senzori biometrici, probabil un cititor de amprente si alti senzori care vor fi utilizati impreuna cu aplicatii de monitorizare a functiilor vitale. Apple ar urma sa ne permita sa ne securizam ceasul folosind amprenta, iar aplicatiile pentru monitorizare a functiilor vitale ar putea fi utile intr-o gama foarte variata de conditii. Un iWatch care nu s-ar fi interconectat cu iPhone-urile sau tabletele iPad ar fi fost inutil, asa ca dispozitivul va prelua tot felul de informatii de la aceste terminale cu ajutorul iOS-ului.

  iWatch-ul ar putea ajunge pe piata la sfarsitul anului 2014, insa deocamdata vorbim tot despre zvonuri.