Tank Biathlon – participa la cursele de tancuri organizate in Rusia (Video)


  Tank Biathlon este un racing game indit disponibil din cursul serii trecute in App Store, el permitandu-ne sa inlocuim clasicele masini cu tancuri. Inspirat, aparent, din cursele facute de catre soldatii rusi cu tancurile armatei propriei tari, jocul ne ofera posibilitatea de a participa la competitii sportive in care abilitatile acestor masini de lupta sunt puse la grea incercare.

Tank Biathlon is a single-player mobile action game inspired by the real-life competition taking place in Russia. Combining the unique aspects of the legendary military sport challenges you to break through terrain and water obstacles on your way to being crowned the champion of the Tank Biathlon.

  Noi vom prelua controlul asupra unui tanc T-72B si va trebui sa il controlam in cursele organizate impotriva “compatriotilor” rusi, o multitudine de challenge-uri fiind concepute de catre utilizatori. Mai mult decat atat, aplicatia se doreste a fi una educativa, ea continand o multitudine de informatii cu privire la tancurile rusilor, asa ca veti afla tot ceea ce ar trebui sa stiti in legatura cu ele.

Take command of the iconic Soviet T-72B tank and race your opponents while also proving your marksmanship at three firing lines. The Tank Museum mode allows you to learn more about the T-72B while a special quiz tests your knowledge of the Soviet legend. Master your skills, go for the best score, and become a Biathlon champion!

  Tank Biathlon este disponibil pentru DOWNLOAD GRATUIT in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:
Tank Biathlon



Developer: Grotburn OU
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Tank Biathlon is a single-player mobile action game inspired by the real-life competition taking place in Russia.
Combining the unique aspects of the legendary military sport challenges you to break through terrain and water obstacles on your way to bein…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 260.4 Mb