Apple breveteaza un nou sistem multitouch: hover sensing

Dupa brevetul de inventie pentru noduri capacitive, iata ca Apple a mai inregistrat un brevet de inventie tot pentru un sistem multitouch denumit : hover sensing. Daca in primul era vorba despre subtierea ecranului si a iDevice-urilor, acum vorbim despre un ecran cu un sistem multitouch mult mai performant decat cele disponibile pe piata la ora actuala. Apple a revolutionat deja tehnologia touchscreen cu iPhone 2G si incearca sa o faca din nou prin aceste brevete.

Practic acest nou brevet de inventie descrie implementarea unor noi senzori care sa perceapa atingerile facute cu degetul intr-o maniera mult mai exacta decat cele actuale.  Probabil  Apple va implementa si cateva noi gesturi multitouch diferite fata de cele din iOS 4.3, e greu de spus cand va fi disponibila pe piata aceasta noua tehnologie.

A capacitive sensor array can be driven with electrical signals, such as alternating current (AC) signals, to generate electric fields that extend outward from the sensor array through a touch surface to detect a touch on the touch surface or an object hovering over the touch surface of a touch screen device, for example. The electric field can also extend behind the sensor array in the opposite direction from the touch surface, which is typically an internal space of the touch screen device. An AC ground shield may be used to enhance the hover sensing capability of the sensor array. The AC ground shield can be positioned behind the sensor array and can be stimulated with signals having the same waveform as the signals driving the sensor array. As a result, the electric field extending outward from the sensor array can be concentrated. In this way, for example, the hover sensing capability of the sensor array may be improved.