NCSettings adauga optiunea de a modifica setari ale iOS direct din Notifications Center

  NCSettings este un nou tweak lansat in cursul acestei nopti in Cydia care permite posesorilor de iDevice-uri sa adauge in Notifications Center un widget prin care sa controleze diverse functii ale iOS. Tweak-ul are in momentul de fata toggle-uri pentru: Wi-Fi, volum, luminozitate, GPS, Bluetooth, Airplane Mode, respring si orientarea ecranului insa mai multe vor fi adaugate in viitor. Toggle-urile pot fi rearanjate in Notifications Center prin simpla selectare si tragere, noi avand optiunea de a le pozitiona in prim-plan pe cele pe care le utilizam mai des.

NCSettings is a must-have addition to your Notification Center. It’s a sleek, efficient toggle widget that gives you quick access to those essential settings that you use the most. Current toggles include: Wi-Fi, Volume, Brightness, Orientation Lock, Location Services, Bluetooth, Airplane Mode, and Respring. Individual toggles can be hidden from settings, and rearranged by holding and dragging via the widget. Best used without other toggle widgets. More toggles likely to come in future updates. After installing, the widget has to be enabled from Settings > Notifications > NCSettings.

  NCSettings este disponibil gratuit in Cydia insa functioneaza doar pe iOS 5.