Steve Wozniak considera ca Mark Zuckerberg reprezinta combinatia perfecta intre el si Steve Jobs

  Intr-un interviu recent Steve Wozniak, co-fondatorul companiei Apple, a declarat ca pentru el Mark Zuckerberg este o versiune mult mai tara a regretatului CEO al Apple, Steve Jobs. Steve Wozniak considera ca Mark Zuckerberg este combinatia perfecta dintre el si Steve Jobs, avand cele mai bune caracteristici ale co-fondatorilor companiei Apple. Zuckerberg a petrecut mult timp in preajma lui Jobs dar si a lui Wozniak, probabil a invatat cate ceva de la ei si acum probabil pune in practica acele lucruri.

Mark Zuckerberg is more [of] a real acute businessman with an understanding of markets and what people want, and [an ability to] move on it. I was the laboratory scientist just wanting to construct and build stuff, and I didn’t even care that much, in the early days, about the rest of the world. I wanted to do it because it would help educational, socialisation, communication and the little guy be important in the world.” But I was not strong enough [to be a founder like Zuckerberg]. I was shy, I wasn’t the brave guy to go out there and say ‘I want to change thee world’, ‘I want to build companies’, so I was lucky to have a partnership with Steve Jobs.

  Mark Zuckerberg a reusit sa contruiasca cea mai mare retea de socializare din lume si continua sa o conduca, iar in viata va avea probabil o evolutie diferita de cea a co-fondatorilor companiei Apple.

I see Mark Zuckerberg as closer to the combination of us. When he speaks, he speaks with a lot of ideas for users and a lot of good ideas for product overall, it’s very admirable.