Steve Jobs si “regula celor 3”

  Desi in Romania putini pun in aplicare aceasta regula, se pare ca in SUA foarte multi speakeri isi concentreaza mesajele din speech-uri in 3 puncte cheie. Totul are legatura cu Thomas Jefferson care a scris in declaratia de independenta a SUA ca oricine are dreptul la 3 lucruri: viata, libertate si posibilitatea de a isi urma visele. Multi antreprenori folosesc aceasta regula, iar Steve Jobs nu face exceptie, el aplicand-o in aproape toate keynote-urile companiei Apple. Cele mai recente incep cu iPhone-ul care a fost prezentat in 2007 ca fiind al treilea produs revolutionar al Apple, dupa Mac si iPod, insa in aceeasi conferinta Jobs a afirmat ca iPhone-ul ar fi combinatia a 3 dispozitive diferite: un telefon, un iPod si un terminal cu care putem naviga pe internet.

Steve Jobs applied the Rule of 3 in nearly every presentation and product launch. In 2007 Jobs introduced the first iPhone as the “third” of Apple’s revolutionary product categories (the first two were the Macintosh and the iPod). He even said that Apple would be introducing “three” revolutionary products—a new iPod, a phone, and an Internet communications device. Jobs repeated the three products slowly until the audience finally figured out he was talking about one device capable of handling all three tasks. In 2010 Jobs introduced the first iPad with a slide showing the new tablet as a “third device” between a smartphone and a laptop. The iPad, he told the audience, would also come in “three models”: 16, 32, and 64 GB of flash storage. In 2011, Jobs introduced the iPad 2 as “thinner, lighter, and faster” than the original. The three adjectives so accurately described the new device, thousands of blog and newspaper headlines included those three words.

  Aceeasi regula a celor 3 a fost aplicata de Steve Jobs si in 2010 cand a prezentat iPad ca un tert dispozitiv situat intre un Mac si un iPhone, insa nici disponibilitatea in 3 versiuni nu trebuie trecuta cu vederea. La final ramane anul 2011 cand Steve Jobs a spus ca iPad 2 este mai subtire, mai rapida si mai usoara decat iPad, iar aceasta a devenit rapid o fraza cheie in review-urile aparute mai tarziu. Practic folosind regula celor 3 Steve Jobs prezenta succint si extrem de bine produsele companiei Apple, iar asta potenta valoarea lor in ochii consumatorilor. Acum aceasta regula a celor 3 nu este mentinuta de catre Tim Cook si restul membrilor echipei de conducere, insa poate in viitor o vom revedea.