Unele zvonuri legate de WWDC 2013 sunt false


Pana acum am auzit o sumedenie de zvonuri in legatura cu WWDC 2013, insa se pare ca o buna parte, sau chiar toate dintre ele, ar fi false. Celebrul blogger si moderator John Gruber, care are numeroase contacte in interiorul Apple, afirma ca zvonurile legate de WWDC ar fi false. Fara a spune exact la care dintre noile produse Apple se refera, Gruber sustine ca Apple va lansa produse grozave care vor uimi utilizatorii de iDevice-uri, insa informatiile oferite pana acum ar fi inexacte.

I know almost absolutely nothing. I don’t think I’ve been this ignorant of what’s coming, software-wise, for a keynote since the iPhone 1 back in 2007. Which is great…I’m super excited. […] The one thing I keep hearing over and over again from friends who would know is…the one word I keep hearing is that some of the stuff they’re going to show is “polarizing”. And I also heard from somebody that just “all the leaks are wrong”. Which is interesting. I have no idea what to make of it.

Cat de adevarat este totul vom afla abia maine seara si ca sa fiu sincer ma astept la destule surprize din partea Apple. Nu uitati ca diseara va astept la sesiunea de LIVE WWDC 2013 in aceasta pagina!