Olanda va deschide 11 scoli Steve Jobs la sfarsitul acestei veri

  Olanda este una dintre tarile in care tehnologia ocupa un rol foarte important in educatia elevilor si studentilor, iar in aceasta idee statul se pregateste sa deschida 11 “scoli Steve Jobs” in luna august a acestui an. Dezvoltate in baza unui principiu al lui Steve Jobs care spunea ca tabletele iPad trebuie sa ocupe un rol esential in educatia elevilor, scolile le vor permite acestora sa invete folosind doar tabletele. Mai exact, elevii vor avea cate o tableta iPad si vor avea la dispozitie aplicatii cu ajutorul carora vor putea invata singuri orice doresc, profesorii avand rolul unor antrenori care sa ii ajute sa devina autodidacti.

Some 1,000 children aged four to 12 will attend the schools, without notebooks, books or backpacks. Each of them, however, will have his or her own iPad. There will be no blackboards, chalk or classrooms, homeroom teachers, formal classes, lesson plans, seating charts, pens, teachers teaching from the front of the room, schedules, parent-teacher meetings, grades, recess bells, fixed school days and school vacations. If a child would rather play on his or her iPad instead of learning, it’ll be okay. And the children will choose what they wish to learn based on what they happen to be curious about.

  Cele 11 scoli vor oferi permite unui numar de 1000 de copii cu varsta cuprinsa intre 4 si 12 ani sa foloseasca tabletele care le sunt puse la dispozitie, ele fiind deschise in fiecare zi, in afara sarbatorilor legale. Conceptul este unul unic pentru sistemul educational din Olanda, si probabil cel global, acestea urmand a fi singurele scoli care vor fi echipate doar cu tablete iPad si niciun alt fel de material educational. Deocamdata parintii si autoritatile discuta modul in care isi vor desfasura activitatea scolile acestea, insa daca ele vor avea succes, atunci intregul proiect ar putea fi extins la o scara mult mai larga.

As such, the school day never really ends. Pupils are welcome to keep working on their iPads at home, on weekends or on vacation. But as much as the program offers freedom and continuity, it also comes with a substantial monitoring component. The iPad keeps teachers and parents constantly informed about what children are doing, what they have learned and how they are progressing.