Red Bull Racers – Red Bull lanseaza un nou joc de tip racing pentru iPhone si iPad (Video)


  Red Bull, unul dintre cele mai cunoscute brand-uri de energizante si un sponsor activ al multor evenimente sportive, a lansat in cursul acestei zile in App Store jocul Red Bull Racers. In clipul video de mai sus puteti vedea titlul conceput de catre companie si vorbim despre un racer in care veti avea controlul asupra unor masini de curse pe care va trebui sa le manuiti pentru a cuceri prima pozitie in fiecare cursa. Daca sunteti un fan al jocurilor de acest gen, atunci Red Bull Racers este cu siguranta un titlu pe care trebuie sa il incercati, zeci de curse fiind disponibile pentru noi.

Get ready for wild races, reckless overtakings and tons of action in the next generation of Slot Racing!

  • FUN WITH FRIENDS: Play with your friends, climb up the leaderboard, and show everyone who’s No. 1!
  • THE WORLD OF MOTORSPORTS: Burn tires and explore unique tracks in various game modes and compete against the best drivers in the world!
  • TONS OF ACTION: Jumps, drifts, loopings and reckless overtaking with cars of real world champions!
  • INTUITIVE CONTROLS: Racing designed for mobile — easy but challenging!
  • AWESOME MUSIC: Get your speed on with featured tracks from AWOLNATION and New Beat Fund!

  Red Bull Racers este disponibil gratuit, in format universal, in App Store.

Pretul initial:
Red Bull Racers



Developer: Red Bull Media Ho…
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Get ready for wild races, reckless overtakings and tons of action in the next generation of Slot Racing!

Play with your friends, climb up the leaderboard, and show everyone who’s No. 1!

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 259.5 Mb