Apple anunta cea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii in App Store Romania

  In cursul acestui inceput de weekend compania Apple a actualizat promotiile disponibile in App Store pentru aplicatii, asa ca vorbim despre cea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii pentru iOS promovata in sectiunea Editor’s ChoiceValiant Hearts: The Great War este jocul ales de catre compania americana pentru aceasta saptamana si vorbim despre un joc in care voi veti avea ocazia de a retrai o parte dintre luptele purtate in primul razboi mondial.

In Valiant Hearts, the lives of all these characters are inextricably drawn together over the course of the game. Friendship, love, sacrifice and tragedy befall each one as they help each other to retain their humanity against the horrors of war. From the green forests of the French countryside, to dank trenches and snowy fields, go back through history in this emotional adventure game delivered with a unique tone and art style.

  Valiant Hearts: The Great War ne pune la dispozitie o multitudine de personaje pe care le putem controla ele fiind purtate de la viata din transee la viata de pe campul de lupta, in ambele tipuri de locatii ei fiind acompaniati de cate un caine loial. Jocul este conceput pentru a ne permite sa exploram o lume virtuala imensa impartita pe multiple planuri, asa ca vetia vea parte de o experienta de joc extrem de interesanta intr0un nou titlu pentru iPhone si iPad.

Move into action and help your heroes survive the Great War by solving puzzles or sneaking through enemy lines… live a touching and comical adventure. With the help of your trusty companion’s canine sense of smell, send him through barbed-wire obstacles and shell holes to solve puzzles or avoid enemies… Rely on him: this dog will be your best friend!

  Valiant Hearts: The Great War este disponibil pentru DOWNLOAD in format universal in App Store. Lost in the middle of the trenches, play each of these characters and help a young German soldier find his love!

Pretul initial:
Valiant Hearts: The Great War



Developer: Ubisoft
Categoria: Games

Descriere: ** IMPORTANT** This game requires an iPad 2 (or newer), iPhone 4s (or newer), or iPod touch 5th Generation.

All of them will try to survive the horror of the trenches following their faithful canine companion.
This is the story of crossed destinies and a…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 442.8 Mb