Tim Cook il Omagiaza pe Steve Jobs la 6 ani de la Deces

Tim Cook, presedintele companiei Apple, a publicat un mesaj in cursul acestei zile pe reteaua de socializare Twitter in care il omagiaza pe regretatul co-fondator al Apple, Steve Jobs, aducandu-ne aminte ca au trecut 6 ani din momentul trecerii sale in nefiinta.

Citatul scris de catre Tim Cook in cadrul retelei de socializare face parte dintr-un discurs pe care Steve Jobs l-a tinut candva in fata angajatilor Apple si le explica ce inseamna Apple si cultura companiei pe care a co-fondat-o, cuvintele acelea ramanand pentru mult timp in mintea unora.

Steve Jobs ne-a parasit acum 6 ani, insa Apple a avut parte de o evolutie ascendenta impresionanta intre timp, in ciuda tuturor problemelor pe care le-au avut produsele sale si pe care le are iOS, iar aceasta perioada ne-a arata ca Apple nu doar ca poate supravietui fara Steve Jobs, ci poate evolua nestingherita.

“There’s lots of ways to be as a person, and some people express their deep appreciation in different ways. But one of the ways that I believe people express their appreciation to the rest of humanity is to make something wonderful and put it out there. And you never meet the people, you never shake their hands, you never hear their story or tell yours. But somehow in the act of making something with a great deal of care and love, something’s transmitted there. And it’s a way of expressing to the rest of our species, our deep appreciation. So we need to be true to who we are. And remember what’s really important to us. That’s what’s going to keep Apple, Apple: is if we keep us, us.”