ImmediateSend iti permite sa scrii mesaje SMS/iMessage de oriunde din iOS

  ImmediateSend este un tweak lansat in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem trimitem mesaje de oriunde din iOS. Tweak-ul a fost special gandit pentru a ne permite sa raspundem mesajelor primite fara a deschide aplicatia Messages, el functionand in LockScreen/Springboard/Notifications Center sau in orice aplicatie din iOS. Tweak-ul este capabil sa trimita atat mesaje SMS, cat si mesaje iMessage, totul in functie de modul in care avem organizate contactele.

ImmediateSend enables you to send SMS/iMessage immediately in Lock Screen/Notification Center/ Banner/Alert/Contacts /MobilePhone, without having to open the SMS app and wait until it fully launches. This tweak auto detects if the address you’re texting to can receive iMessage and shows you two different kinds of reply dialogs according to that. After writing back, the message will be marked as read, so it won’t disturb anymore. Another important feature is that when you text a person from Contacts/MobilePhone, you can choose to send an SMS or iMessage.

  Tweak-ul functioneaza doar cu terminale iPhone si doar pe iOS 5, iar in aplicatia Settings aveti un meniu in care puteti configura setarile sale. ImmediateSend este disponibil pentru 0.99$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.