Cydia 1.1.10 update – cel mai important update lansat pentru Cydia in ultimii ani!

  Cu doar cateva minute in urma creatorul Cydia, saurik, a anuntat lansarea Cydia 1.1.10 pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch-urile noastre. Intr-un articol publicat pe Facebook, saurik descrie noutatile pe care acest update major le aduce pentru platforma iOS si vorbim despre o Cydia cu o interfata reorganizata, cu mai putine buguri, cu o noua iconita pentru iOS 7, cu traduceri in multiple limbi si multe, multe altele.

  Cydia 1.1.10 are acum un buton separat in tab bar pentru sursele noastre si este capabila sa incarce mai multe informatii din mai multe surse, afisand inclusiv un indicator de incarcare in interiorul aplicatiei. Mai mult decat atat, acum putem vizualiza informatii detaliate pe categorii pentru fiecare dintre sursele noastre, procesul de descoperire a pachetelor utile fiind mult, mult simplificat de catre saurik.

  In ceea ce priveste pachetele deja instalate, noua versiunea a Cydia ne ofera acum optiunea de a vedea ce pachete am instalat si data la care au fost ele instalate, saurik schimband modul de vizualizare cu optiuni pentru utilizatori normai si experimentati: User/Expert. Separat de acestea, Cydia are acum o noua categorie numita Recent care ne permite sa vizualizam pachetele recent instalate pentru a putea diagnostica mai usor diverse probleme.

  In final Cydia suporta acum tastaturi internationale in fiecare versiune a iOS, este tradusa in multiple limbi exceptand romana, si cu rezolvarile problemelor de functionare incheiem noutatile. Cydia 1.1.10 update poate fi instalat chiar din Cydia, chiar acum.

Today we released an updated version of Cydia that is easier and faster to use, with new features, a better-organized user interface, bug fixes, an iOS 7 styled icon, translations for additional languages, and more. We hope you find it useful: open up Cydia, let it refresh data, install the updates, and let us know what you think.

Here is an overview of the changes! (For a simple list of changes with more screenshots, see

¶ It’s easier and faster to work with sources, and Cydia can handle larger numbers of sources and packages:

Your Sources list is its own tab on the tab bar, for fast access. This tab also gives you a new option for browsing packages: you can tap a source and see a list of all the sections (categories) within that source. You can look at what your favorite source offers for your favorite type of package.

The Sources tab also tells you what’s happening when Cydia refreshes package information from your sources: it shows a loading indicator next to each individual source (instead of the old black drop-bar). This way, you’ll know if one of your sources is loading very slowly. (And Cydia is now better at fetching data from multiple sources at once.)

Cydia no longer has the limitation that caused the error message that says “Wow, you exceeded the number of package names this APT is capable of.” (If you have this error message in your old version, remove some sources you’ve added, which will resolve the error and allow you to update Cydia.)

¶ It’s easier to see what packages you have installed, and when:

Your list of installed packages is its own tab (Installed), with improved features too. Older versions of Cydia provided a Simple/Expert toggle for people who selected that they were a “User” or “Hacker” (instead of a “Developer”) — but this version erases those distinctions and shows everyone the useful Simple/Expert toggle (now called User/Expert).

The User/Expert toggle lets you choose between viewing ordinary installed packages such as extensions (User) and all installed packages including developer and internal packages (Expert).

There is also a new option (Recent) that displays your installed packages sorted by date installed. This may help you when you’re trying to solve problems on your device: you may want to start by uninstalling recently-added packages.

¶ Cydia is better integrated and more functional for a wider variety of people and devices:

To assist people who use Google’s two-factor authentication app, Cydia supports limited multitasking while a slide-up dialog panel is being displayed (for login or payment).

Cydia supports international keyboards on every version of iOS. It also includes translations for more languages: Arabic, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese.

The alphabetic “thumb index” on the right side of table views is now correct for the user’s locale and looks better.

On non-Retina displays, Cydia now renders package icons less blurry.

The iOS 5/6 iPad rotation bug is fixed. The iOS 7 “status bar bug” is fixed.