Video: Turn an iPod Touch 4G into an iPhone 4 using C Apple Peel T168


C Apple Peel T168 is an accessory for iPod Touch 4G that brings the telephony function to a terminal that Apple designed to listen to music, watch movies or play games. The accessory is of course made in China, it works on the basis of an application from Cydia and although it does not compare in terms of functionality with the iPhone 4, it can still offer you phone functions, send SMS or surf the Internet using a data connection. As you can see in the clip, the device works without problems in Romania on the Vodafone operator, but the Internet connection is quite weak, I would say, even if the signal is strong.

You can purchase the product from here for only $130.


  1. Eu tot nu am inteles cum poate sa vorbeasca la el ? iPod touch 4 nu are speaker sus ! Dar pentru 130 $ nu prea se merita, mai bine imi vand ipodu + 130$ = iphone 4 :))
    Zaone 😛

  2. pacat…mi-a tresarit inima cand am vazut titlul,chiar ma gandeam zilele astea ce ciudat era ca mi-am dus ipodul touch la ureche crezand ca telefonul…zaone faci vreun concurs cu C apple peel t168? ;;) 😀

  3. am si eu o intrebare, cat tine bateria comparat cu un iphone 4? avand in vedere ca are 2 baterii..? de asemenea, se incarca ambele prin incarcatorul normal de ipod/iphone?