ASUS Taichi 21 can be easily "camouflaged" in a Mac (Video)


  ASUS Taichi 21  is a dual-screen ultrabook that can easily be "camouflaged" into one Macbook. Idea he came from an American trying to teach his readers how to look cool at Starbucks where Macs and iDevices are used by most customers. A Windows PC would apparently not be as cool as a Mac, and the ASUS allows the display of an image on the second screen, so an Apple logo can be extremely easily positioned on its touchscreen, and from here on you will give the impression, at least from a distance, that you have an interesting Mac.


  1. I don't understand this matter of pretending to be what you are not and how do you mean in "starbucks" yes what starbucks is a cafe that says "Only for Apple users"? You are a customer and it doesn't matter what device you have...

  2. I think people didn't understand the clip well. It's a joke! And it is very well known that Starbucks is the favorite cafe of young HIPSTERS! It is equally well known that Apple products are the favorite products of hipsters...

  3. Hahaha, cica starbucks is a noodle cafe. Maybe to Romanian snobs and possibly to Russians, as in the rest of the world it is an absolutely ordinary cafe. The same with McDonald's. In the West, you don't feel like going in even to take a pee, what kind of food is in them, and in our country, all the people eat it, it's an American brand

  4. It's good that you understood all those who commented... well done! You probably missed the part where he says how much this costs, i.e. much more than an air.... The fact that the guy talking in the clip laughs won't give you any clue, right?....

  5. Like always... smart people come to Romania who think they have a higher rank than others. From a united and civilized community it has reached an indescribable snobbery. RIP old iDevice

  6. The truth is that you are cooler with an apple product than with a dual screen laptop, who says that?:))
    It's clear that some people here have taken the job too seriously, and the phase with the Starbucks cafe de fitze seems silly to me 🙂