This is what the work table of a hacker who develops jailbreak solutions for iOS looks like

  If you have ever wondered how many tests a hacker has to do before launching a solution jailbreak for iDevices, well the image above should "speak" for itself. It was registered by iH8sn0w, the famous hacker who is trying to develop a solution to untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3 si iOS 6.1.4, and this is almost his entire collection of iDevices, one iPhone 5S being used to capture the picture. Practically, on almost all those devices, the hacker's creation must be checked when it is almost completed, and you can imagine how much work is behind the development of such software.

  In general, any hackers involved in projects of this kind have a similar number of devices, but of course they often choose to distribute the jailbreak solution to a group of people to test it. Having said that, now you know what is involved in the process of developing a jailbreak solution for iDevices, this is probably the easiest of them all.