Romanian Police: WARNING that should SCARED the Romanians

The Romanian police are scared

Romanian police continues the series of "educational" video clips through which he tries to teach Romanian citizens how they should behave when a policeman interacts with them, regardless of the situation in which this happens.

Romanian police published today a video clip in which he presents a situation that does not happen very often in traffic, but there have been such serious incidents in the past, and the policemen who intervene to put an end to them are not always listened to.

Romanian police he tries to show the Romanians how they should behave when they are asked to do something, and this before force is used so that the people who break the law are put to the ground by the police agents.

Romanian police he doesn't exactly have the best producers when it comes to these video clips, but the message he wants to convey to Romanians is that everyone must follow the orders of the police.

Romanian police he uses Facebook to make his messages known to as many Romanians as possible, and warnings of this kind are also meant to scare Romanians about the repercussions of refusing to obey the policemen's orders.

Law 192/2019

#Romanian police

Published by Romanian police on Monday, January 20, 2020