COVID Certificate: Now you can Issue the new Digital Certificate

The COVID certificate that facilitates the transport of people in the European Union was distributed this morning in Romania as well, with the authorities' website already allowing its download for use in transport.

A COVID certificate attesting to vaccination against the Coronavirus, testing negative, or healing after injection, is issued to any person who is in one of these cases, so if you need to issue one, you can do it right now.

The COVID certificate is issued following the steps above, and in less than 1 minute you can generate the COVID certificate, which is sent by email, or available for viewing on the STS website, and from that point you can use it wherever you go.

The new COVID certificate is currently only useful for trips from the European Union, in Romania it has no use because it is not imposed by the authorities in our country to any certain extent, but it could be imposed for certain events in the future.

The COVID certificate is offered free of charge by the authorities in Romania exclusively through the website specially created for this purpose, so be very careful not to be deceived by phishing campaigns, some of which could steal your personal data to be used for malicious purposes.

"The COVID-19 certificates for EU travel will be downloadable from today.
The web portal from which Romanian or foreign citizens can generate their EU digital certificates regarding COVID is ready for launch on July 1, 2021. STS - Special Telecommunications Service specialists, who developed the entire IT system, have made the last optimizations, in accordance with the provisions GEO adopted by the Government of Romania.
1. The certificate is free.
2. In the case of minors under the age of 14, parental consent is required.
3. The time to generate the certificate can be from a few seconds to an hour, depending on the number of requests.
4. When the certificate is generated, the person who requested it is notified by e-mail.
5. Upon entering the member states of the European Union, the verification of certificates is carried out by scanning the QR code.
The user can access and view it both from the list of certificates - by selecting the certificate, and by actually downloading, in *pdf format, the document, which can be printed.
For support in issuing certificates or obtaining other information regarding their use, a Call Center has been operationalized at the telephone number 021.414.44.25.
Also, the certificate can be obtained in written format through the town hall in which the person resides, the public health department or the community public service for records of persons."