Google Maps pentru iOS va fi disponibila in App Store pana la sfarsitul acestui an

  Ieri fostul CEO Google, Eric Schmidt, a afirmat ca deocamdata Google nu a dezvoltat o aplicatie Google Maps pentru iOS si ca la App Store nu a fost trimisa o asemenea creatie. Chiar daca aplicatia nu a fost trimisa la Apple, in interiorul Google una se afla in proces de dezvoltare, iar pana la sfarsitul acestui an compania intentioneaza sa o trimita la Apple pentru publicarea in App Store. Din moment ce aplicatia YouTube pentru iOS a fost lansata inainte de lansarea iOS 6, probabil va intrebati de ce nu exista si o aplicatie Google Maps, nu? Ei bine Google a fost luata prin surprindere de decizia Apple de a renunta la sistemul de harti Google Maps si nu a avut timp sa dezvolte o aplicatie proprie pana in momentul de fata. V-am spus azi ca Apple a decis sa renunte la acel sistem cu un an inainte sa ii expire contractul cu Google si decizia i-a luat prin surprindere pe cei din Mountain View care s-au grabit sa porneasca procesul de dezvoltare a unei aplicatii terte.

Google is developing a maps application for iPhone and iPad that it is seeking to finish by the end of the year, according to people involved with the effort who declined to be named because of the nature of their work. There has been widespread speculation about whether and when Google would release a maps application for Apple devices since Apple released a new version of its iOS operating system with an Apple-made maps service. One reason that it will take Google some time to build the iPhone app: it expected the app with Google’s maps to remain on the iPhone for some time, based on the contract between the two companies, and was caught off guard when Apple decided to build a new application to replace the old one.

  Motivul de mai sus este secondat si de faptul ca Google vrea sa includa un modul 3D de harti in aplicatie, iar avand in vedere ca Google Earth-ul are deja acest modul, compania este fortata sa faca altul separat pentru noua aplicatie. Aceasta complicatie a determinat o prelungire a timpului de dezvoltare a aplicatiei Google Maps pentru iOS, insa daca persoanele din conducerea companiei vor o aplicatie pana la sfarsitul anului, exista sanse foarte mari ca ea sa fie facuta. Acum ramane doar sa asteptam linistiti lansarea aplicatiei si cred ca in momentul in care vom avea iOS 6.1 in iTunes vom avea si aceasta noua aplicatie, care probabil va fi mai buna decat iOS 6 Maps.

There are several complicating factors to Google’s development of the app. Google’s contract with Apple to keep the maps app on the iPhone had more time remaining, and Google did not know that Apple had changed its mind until Apple said publicly in June that it would replace the app with its new maps app, according to two people briefed on the decision. Google is now navigating business relationships with Apple that grow more tricky by the day. Another complication, according to a person with knowledge of Google Maps: Google would likely prefer to release a maps app that includes 3-D imagery so it is comparable to Apple’s. But Google has 3-D images in Google Earth, which is a separate app with a separate code base from Google Maps, so it would take some time to combine the two.