Jailbreaking-ul si decodarea sunt legale in SUA!

Se pare ca tot ce am spus eu aici este adevarat, in SUA agentia EFF(Electronic Frontier Foundation) a declarat ca jailbreaking-ul si decodarea au fost reglementate prin lege ca fiind o practica legala in SUA. Jailbreaking-ul este permis pentru a le da utilizatorilor posibilitatea de a instala orice fel de aplicatii pe telefoanele lor, insa piratarea ramane in continuare o practica ilegala supusa rigorilor legii. Totodata decodarea telefoanelor este acum permisa in SUA astfel ca oricine isi va putea decoda linistit iPhone-ul.

The first of EFF’s three successful requests clarifies the legality of cell phone “jailbreaking” — software modifications that liberate iPhones and other handsets to run applications from sources other than those approved by the phone maker. More than a million iPhone owners are said to have “jailbroken” their handsets in order to change wireless providers or use applications obtained from sources other than Apple’s own iTunes “App Store,” and many more have expressed a desire to do so. But the threat of DMCA liability had previously endangered these customers and alternate applications stores.

In its reasoning in favor of EFF’s jailbreaking exemption, the Copyright Office rejected Apple’s claim that copyright law prevents people from installing unapproved programs on iPhones: “When one jailbreaks a smartphone in order to make the operating system on that phone interoperable with an independently created application that has not been approved by the maker of the smartphone or the maker of its operating system, the modifications that are made purely for the purpose of such interoperability are fair uses.

Dev Team a scris un articol pe blogul oficial in legatura cu aceasta noua masura legala, deci de acum incolo toti americanii vor putea face jailbreak fara probleme si fara frica in legatura cu eventuale masuri legale luate impotriva lor.

Desigur ca aceasta masura nu se aplica si in Romania/Statele Europene insa in Romania decodarea este legala.