Video: Iata cum functioneaza noul sistem de display al produselor implementat de Apple astazi


V-am spus dimineata ca Apple a implementat in toate magazinele sale un nou mod de a afisa caracteristicile produselor aflate la vanzare. In locul vechilor cartonase cu specificatii tehnice se gasesc acum tablete iPad care au o aplicatie speciala in care sunt afisate toate informatiile despre produse. Tabletele respective sunt special facute astfel incat atunci cand aplicatia cu specificatii ruleaza butonul Home nu functioneaza si singura modalitate de a il face sa functioneze implica inchiderea tabletei. Tabletele ruleaza cel mai probabil o versiune noua a iOS conceputa de Apple special pentru ele insa partea interesanta este ca fiecare magazin a primit zeci sau sute de astfel de tablete.

In fiecare magazin au fost facute stocuri importante de tablete de acest gen care acum afiseaza informatii despre produsele Apple deci cateva zeci de mii de tablete se afla acum in cele peste 300 de magazine Apple din intreaga lume. Ideea e buna insa nu stiu daca noua modalitate de a afla informatii despre produse va schimba extraordinar de mult perceptia publicului despre produse.

  1. As noted, the home button does not work when Smart Sign app is running so it cannot be exited. The only way to get the home button to work again is to reset the iPad using the home and lock buttons.
  2. The Apple Store App will be updated tomorrow, and will be available world wide. It will support CTO orders, and should also be available as an iPad optimised app.
  3. The Display iPads have a different model number than current iPad 2s.  There has been some concern about the cameras: Is Apple watching us from HQ?  Listening?  Customers?  Also, we’ve been told there is a bunch of security stuff on the new iPads.  If they leave the Store they keep calling home with their Wifi coordinates.
  4. Apple is giving the old Pioneer tvs to one lucky Apple Employee per store. We had just upgraded all of them to new Sonys
  5. The iPads are charged using a kind of tape, which goes from the cable which enters the plastic casing, to the dock connector (you can hardly see it!). This charges the iPad and alarms it – if it is removed, the alarm will sound.
  6. There was some speculation about how the iPads are powered in the new display. They are connected via ribbon cables that hook into the dock connector. All the cables are custom made for each iPad, and also power the product they are advertising. All the content on the iPads is loaded from a server, nothing is stored locally except the custom application. The home buttons are disabled. We load them up, provision them to be signage iPads, boot the application, tell the iPad where in the store it’s located and that’s it. Apple can change prices and info live across all of retail
  7. We have one of the smaller stores in the market and we received 100 iPad 2′s for the smart signs. The app that runs the information disables the home button on the iPad (obviously) and the image is all encompassing. If products move tables we won’t necessarily have to move smart signs just tell the iPads to display different product information. There is a specially designed flat ribbon cable that powers the iPad, no inductive charging or anything like that.