Iata manualul in baza caruia sunt instruiti angajatii Apple Store-urilor

  Fiecare companie importanta organizeaza training-uri pentru noii angajati, iar Apple nu face absolut deloc abstractie. Dupa informatiile privind “cel mai corupt Apple Store din SUA”, cei de la Gizmodo au reusit sa obtina si manualul in baza carora sunt instruiti angajatii care fac parte din echipa geniilor. In imaginile de mai jos aveti prezentata o parte a manualului, povestea lunga o gasiti pe Gizmodo unde este descris un proces psihologic complex care transforma un simplu om intr-un Apple Genius capabil sa rezolve orice problema a unui produs Apple.

The manual could easily serve as the Humanity 101 textbook for a robot university, but at Apple, it’s an exhaustive manual to understanding customers and making them happy. Sales, it turns out, take a backseat to good vibes—almost the entire volume is dedicated to empathizing, consoling, cheering up, and correcting various Genius Bar confrontations. The assumption, it’d seem, is that a happy customer is a customer who will buy things. And no matter how much the Apple Store comes off as some kind of smiling likeminded computer commune, it’s still a store above all—just one that puts an enormous amount of effort behind getting inside your head.