Apple rezolva problema App Store-ului care permite inlaturarea restrictiilor privind securitatea Apple ID-urilor


  Saptamana trecuta v-am spus ca un bug al iOS/App Store-ului permite utilizatorilor sa instaleze aplicatii si sa delogheze utilizatorii logati in App Store, chiar daca acestea activeaza o restrictie ce protejeaza aplicatia Settings. Chiar daca din Settings un Apple ID nu poate fi delogat, prin aplicatia App Store din iOS acest lucru era posibil pana zilele acestea, Apple rezolvand problema printr-un update al App Store-ului. Avand in vedere ca magazinul celor de la Apple este incarcat de aplicatia App Store si nu ruleaza direct din iOS, compania a putut rezolva problema fara a actualiza iOS-ul.

As of this morning, the bug is gone! No update required! Looks like the somehow they pushed the update! I can no longer change the account in the App Store or iTunes store! This reminds me when I was beta testing 6.0 and Apple changed the behavior of downloading updates not requiring a password (they also allowed free apps with no password for a short while). That didn’t need an update to change either. They seem to have ways of fixing App Store behavior without needing to update iOS. I’m still running 6.1 on my devices, haven’t gone to 6.1.2 yet. Would be nice for an official answer from Apple, but so far, it’s working correctly! Also, I see redeem and send gift are grayed out also, at the bottom of the App Store. Same for iTunes Store.

  Acum singura problema majora a iOS-ului ramane posibilitatea de a inlatura passcode-ul direct din LockScreen si de a accesa contactele prin aplicatia Photos si pozele din Camera Roll.