Un presupus email Apple confirma schimbarile privind politica de oferire a garantiei pentru iDevice-uri

  Acum cateva saptamani v-am spus ca Apple intentioneaza sa isi modifice politica de oferire a garantiei pentru iDevice-uri, optand pentru repararea terminalelor in magazine/locatiile resellerilor, in locul schimbarii complete. Schimbarea este radicala si ar urma sa economiseasca pana la 1 miliard de dolari anual pentru companie, iar ea este aparent confirmata de catre un email primit de un reseller brazilian de produse Apple. In acel presupus email un reprezentant al Apple descrie tot ceea ce v-am spus eu pana acum, insa veridicitatea documentului nu a putut fi confirmata.

  In afara inlocuirii ecranelor terminalelor iPhone impreuna cu alte componente ale acestora, magazinele Apple si resellerii vor inlocui inclusiv ecranele tabletelor iPad. Practic Apple isi propune sa repare pe loc tot ce se poate si probabil sa inlocuiasca doar dispozitivele care au nevoie de reparatii complexe, asa ca nu vom mai primi iDevice-uri noi sau refurbished daca al nostru are o problema minora.

My name is John Meneghel, and in May I assumed responsibility for Apple Technical Assistance in Brazil. Over the next three months I aim to strengthen the relationship with our entire installed base of technicians, as well as having a structured team that supports this relationship.

There are, however, important points that I would like to clarify with this first communication. They are:

1. GSX – The correct upgrade from basic repairs and GSX. Will be provided by SPS in coming weeks in a training manual updating of repairs GSX.

2. iPad Repair – We will soon begin to repair iPad glass. Further details will be sent next week.

3. iPhone Repair – The Changing Patterns of exchange for repair within AASP will be a reality, with details of the plan to be sent in June ’13.

4. iPhone – In case of repair under warranty given independently of purchase, all iPhones should led to an AASP and not back to one carrier was bought.

5. iPhone VMI – All the iPhones to be repaired must be open and…