Skype implementeaza posibilitatea de a inregistra mesaje video in aplicatiile pentru iOS si OS X (Video)


  Astazi cei de la Skype, companie detinuta de catre Microsoft, au anuntat actualizarea serviciului de video messaging din aplicatiile pentru iOS si OS X, el permitand utilizatorilor sa inregistreze gratuit mesaje video pe care le pot trimite mai apoi prietenilor. Functia a fost oferita initial in versiune beta inca din luna februarie si permitea utilizatorilor sa trimita doar 20 de mesaje lunar inainte de a fi nevoiti sa se aboneze la serviciu, insa acum oricine poate trimite gratuit oricate mesaje doreste catre oricare dintre propriile contacte.

Video messaging is now available to all Skype users. You can send and receive as many video messages as you want – completely free of charge. Video messages can be received and viewed on any platform or device running Skype.

Skype Video Messaging adds another great way to keep in touch with friends and family during life’s most meaningful moments. Send a video message to your friends and family today—it’s easy. You can capture a fleeting memory, create a heartfelt reminder or simply tell a friend or family member “wish you were here” even when they aren’t online.

  Aplicatiile Skype pentru iOS si OS X sunt disponibile gratuit in App Store.

Pretul initial:



Developer: Skype Communicati…
Categoria: Social Networking

Descriere: Say hello to friends and family with an instant message, voice or video call on Skype for free. Theres so much you can do, right from the palm of your hand.

Join over 250 million people every mo…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 27.7 Mb