Video: SoundJaw amplifica sunetul tabletelor iPad si iPad 2

SoundJaw este un accesoriu pentru iPad si iPad 2 a carui producator incearca sa obtina fonduri pentru a incepe comercializarea sa pe piata. SoundJaw permite utilizatorilor sa amplifice volumul tabletelor iPad si iPad 2 prin redirectionarea undelor audio scoase de difuzoare. Principiul e simplu, difuzoarele sunt montate in partea de jos/spate a tabletelor iar accesoriul redirectioneaza sunetul din partea din spate in partea din fata a tabletei iar aceasta redirectionare rezulta intr-o amplificare a lor.

The SoundJaw is an accessory that works to redirect your iPad’s sound, giving it a louder and richer tone. You won’t believe the difference this can make. I’m sure you can hear the difference on the video but it is even greater when in person. The SoundJaw is VERY portable, making it easy to keep in your pocket. I have used it for anything from watching movies to listening to music far away. It makes the biggest difference when you are outside or a place with a lot of noise (plane, car, train, etc.) The testing done to make sure the sound was loud enough was only half of what I was concerned about. The iPad 2 is unmatched in its slim design and I didn’t want to take that away.

SoundJaw a fost publicat sub forma unui proiect pe si exista sanse destul de mari ca el sa isi gaseasca finantarea.