Apple a fost actionata in instanta din cauza unor tehnologii folosite in iPhone-uri si tablete iPad


  Daca Apple da in judecata companii pentru a isi proteja propriile tehnologii brevetate atunci si Apple este data in judecata de alte companii care urmaresc sa faca exact acelasi lucru. O companie americana numita Touchscreen Gestures LLC a dat in judecata compania Apple sustinand ca iPhone-urile si tabletele iPad incalca nu mai putin de 4 tehnologii brevetate de catre ea. Cele 4 tehnologii invocate de catre companie au legatura cu gesturi, tap-uri si scroll-uri facute pe ecrane touchscreen deci practic vorbim despre functii care stau la baza iDevice-urilor noastre si fara de care Apple nu ar avea un iOS.

In Touchscreen Gestures Count One, the formal complaint states that their 7,184,031 patent “is generally directed to novel, unique and non-obvious methods, controllers and gesture units for identifying a drag gesture on a touch device, such as smartphone or tablet. In Touchscreen Gestures Count Two, the official complaint states that their 7,180, 506 Patent “is generally directed to novel, unique and non-obvious methods and controllers of identifying a movement of single tap which is a movement done with at least an object contacting a touch device, such as smartphone or tablet.” 

  Cei de la Apple au destul de multe brevete de inventie legate de ecranele touchscreen si exista sanse foarte mari ca tot ceea ce invoca Touchscreen Gestures sa fie brevetat deja de Apple intr-o forma similara insa instantele americane vor fi cele care vor decide asupra acestor aspecte. Nu ar fi neobisnuit ca Apple sa fi implementat functiile fara sa licentieze tehnologiile de la compania Touchscreen Gestures iar in aceasta situatie cele doua companii vor ajunge cu siguranta la o intelegere benefica pentru ambele parti.

In Touchscreen Gestures Count Three, the official complaint states that their 7,190,356 Patent “is generally directed to novel, unique and non-obvious methods and controllers of identifying double tap gestures on a touch device movement of single tap which is a movement done with at least an object contacting a touch device, such as smartphone or tablet. In Touchscreen Gestures Count Four, the official complaint states that their 7,319 457 Patent “is generally directed to novel, unique and non-obvious methods and electronic devices of scrolling a window screen, such as those on a smartphone or tablet.