Apple incepe sa blocheze proxy-urile ilegale pentru Siri

  La aproape 1 an de zile de la lansarea primelor proxy-uri pentru asistentul personal Siri, Apple incepe sa ia actiuni serioase pentru blocarea serverelor care ofera in mod ilegal acces la aceasta functionalitate iDevice-urilor care nativ nu au Siri. Deocamdata Apple si-a pus avocatii sa trimita notificari prin care instiinteaza detinatorii de proxy-uri ca trebuie sa isi inchida website-urile, unii ascultand de indicatiile avocatilor, altii preferand sa le ignore deocamdata. Daca Apple este 100% serioasa, atunci aceasta procedura va avea drept efect inchiderea multor proxy-uri gratuite, cele platite urmand a fi redeschise prin diverse metode de catre proprietari.

Apple is shutting down all siri proxy sites for good as they have decided to act against them and turn them all off, we were one of the servers that were asked to shut down our siri proxy as well and then you can keep your site online as long as all siri content and all siri proxy files and anything to do with siri has been deleted. We were offline all day and we are back again now and we wont be hosting any siri proxies again due to we dont want any trouble with the biggest company in the world.

If you have a siri proxy and are hosting it then we recommend that you check all your email and spam folder and also go to your area on your host and see if you have a ticket opened as thats the way you are asked.

  Nu am recomandat vreodata si nici nu voi recomanda cuiva sa utilizeze un proxy pentru Siri deoarce acest software va preia informatii condifentiale din iDevice-uri si le salveaza pe serverele hackerilor.