There could also be an unlock for basebands 05.14.02 and 05.15.04

[blackbirdpie url=”!/Hayntc2006/status/9125854932115456″]

[blackbirdpie url=”!/MuscleNerd/status/9127801089167360″]

Although he did not deny that the team could work on a decoding solution for the 05.14.02 and 05.15.04 basebands in the future, MuscleNerd said that at the moment the priority is the decoding solution for the iPhone 4. To be honest, I'm quite not confident in the possibility of launching a decoding solution for those basebands and I don't recommend you to get too high hopes that it will be like that, but I think it's good to know what MuscleNerd says about this matter.