Auto Answer – accepta automat apelurile primite pe iPhone, poate fi utilizat ca metoda de supraveghere

  AutoAnswer este un tweak foarte complex pentru iPhone/iPod Touch, lansat acum aproape un an de zile, care are o varietate de functii ce ne permit sa administram modul in care sunt primite apelurile telefonice/FaceTime pe terminalele noastre. In primul rand aplicatia ne permite sa setam un numar de telefon pentru care iPhone-ul va accepta automat orice apeluri telefonice sau FaceTime si avem optiunea de a ascude respectivele apeluri din agenda telefonica. Pe langa asta aplicatia are o optiune numita Stealth Mode care ne permite sa setam acceptarea automata a apelurilr insa fara a afisa pe ecran interfata unui apel deschis. Apelul este deschis in background insa pe monitorul respectului iDevice nu apare nimic desi noi avem feed audio/video si putem observa tot ceea ce se intampla in locatia din care suntem apelati.

Set your phone to automatically answer to specific numbers and FaceTime calls. You can use it for Unattented VideoConference and Remote Area audio/video surveillance too! AutoAnswer lets you choose numbers that you wish to auto-pickup and your phone will automatically answer the incoming call from those numbers, either instantly or after the amount of seconds you specify. There is also a Stealth Mode, which you can use for remote surveillance, in which AutoAnswer hides the incoming call completely and the phone does not indicate that it has answered a call while you can monitor audio in the area. The “stealth” call will not be written to call history and the phone will show no signs of a call (apart from the remote caller’s audio which you can mute). There is also a feature to hide the application from Settings. If you do hide it, the only way to access it is by opening , dialing ***** (5 stars) and pressing the Call button. You can change this password in my preferences. If you forget the password, you need to type the first 5 digits of your Phone’s IMEI in and press the call button. This will reset the password and all your settings. You can find your phone’s IMEI by dialing: *#06#.

  Auto Answer poate fi o metoda foarte buna pentru supravegherea unei locatii avand in vedere ca nimeni nu va sti cand voi apelati dispozitivul plasat acolo. Auto Answer a fost actualizat in cursul serii trecute si acum este compatibil atat cu iOS 4 cat si cu iOS 5. Din Cydia puteti achizitiona Auto Answer cu 1.99$.