Dev Team lanseaza redsn0w 0.9.15 beta 1, implementeaza optiunea de a face restore la iOS 5.x si multe alte functii

  Acum cateva zeci de minute cei de la Dev Team au lansat o noua versiune a redsn0w care aduce : posibilitatea de a face restore pentru iDevice-urile noastre la iOS 5.x, daca avem SHSH-urile corecte disponibile in Cydia sau in calculator, aduce Cydia pentru toti cei care pot face jailbreak la iOS 6, untethered jailbreak pentru iPhone 3GS(cu bootrom vechi) pe iOS 6, hacktivare pentru iPhone 3GS si iPhone 4, o metoda mai simpla de restore pentru iDevice-urile lansate inainte de iPhone 4, o noua metoda de a prelua blob-uri din Cydia, posibilitatea de a bloca update-ul de baseband pentru iPhone 3GS sau iPhone 4, posibilitatea de a dezactiva un iPhone, informatii noi despre statusul activarii, tethered jailbreak pentru Apple TV 2G, salvarea automata a blobl-urilor in calculator, etc :

  • restore from any 5.x iOS to any other (up, down or the same) 5.x iOS on all devices as long as you have the correct blobs (see more below)
  • Cydia now included in the tethered 6.0 jailbreak on A4 devices
  • automatically “Just Boot” tethered when qualifying A4 device connects in DFU mode
  • untethered 6.0 jailbreak on old-bootrom 3GS
  • untethered 6.0 hactivation on any 3GS or iPhone4
  • directly restore pre-A5 devices to earlier firmware — no more complicated 15-step how-to’s with stitching, iTunes errors, and “hosts file” concerns
  • fetch new signed blobs for any IPSW (present or future — no redsn0w update required) using Extras->SHSH Blobs->New
  • block the BB update for any 3GS or iPhone4 restore (past, present, or future — no redsn0w update required) using Extras->Even More->Restore
  • deactivate any iPhone, useful for testing your “official” unlock status through iTunes.  (Please only deactivate your own iPhone!)
  • activation status shown on “Even more” page
  • significantly more (very nerdy) info returned by “Identify” button when device is in Normal mode
  • tethered jailbreak of ATV2 supported (but the only thing available for it is the SSH2 custom bundle available here — no Cydia yet.  Must use “Select IPSW” for tethered boot of ATV2 for now).
  • auto-exit WTF mode for older devices with broken buttons
  • any time a set of blobs is fetched remotely (from Apple or Cydia), redsn0w also saves them locally (and will check there first if you click “Local”)
  • for your future restoring convenience, you should also submit all of your past and present TinyUmbrella blobs to Cydia if you haven’t done so yet.  Resubmitting is okay and won’t cause conflicts.

  In afara acestei lungi liste de noutati, cei de la Dev Team au explicat si procedura prin care puttei face restore la iOS 5.x daca aveti un iDevice lansat dupa iPhone 4, insa aceasta procedura nu va permite sa faceti downgrade de la iOS 6 la iOS 5 pentru aceleasi dispozitive. Despre procedura de rest0re voi vorbi intr-un articol separat, ea este complicata, insa pe blogul Dev Team o aveti descrisa asa ca va puteti uita acolo. Inainte de a face update la iOS 6, trebuie sa tineti minte ca ultrasn0w nu este deocamdata compatibil cu el si s-ar putea sa ramaneti fara posibilitatea de a va decoda terminalele. redsn0w 0.9.15 beta 1 poate fi descarcat de aici.

UPDATE: Aici aflati in ce conditii puteti face re-restore la iOS 5.x sau downgrade de la iOS 6.

UPDATE 2 : Aici aflati cum puteti face update la iOS 6 fara a actualiza baseband-ul.

UPDATe 3: Aici aflati cum puteti face jailbreak si hacktivare pentru iPhone 3GS si iPhone 4 pe iOS 6.


  1. “untethered 6.0 hactivation on any 3GS or iPhone4”
    Deci sa inteleg ca merge untethered jailbreak sau doar hacktivate pe iphone 4 ?

  2. @zaone: dupa implementarea SHSH-ului in IPSW, dupa ce am bagat terminalul iP4 in PwnedDFU, am dat shift+restore, am selectat custom ipsw-ul, si cand ajunge la Verificare iPhone restore cu Apple se blocheaza, si mi se inchide iTunes-ul. I-am dat din RedSn0w recovery fix, am incercat iar, si tot asa… nu pot sa-i fac downgrade!

  3. @Chiser Alexx: Daca ti se inchide iTunes-ul, atunci e o problema de la PC, nu are legatura cu iPhone-ul. Ai reincercat procesul si a facut la fel?
    @linuxtm: Si dev team a zis clar la ce se face untethered jailbreak, eu am facut la fel. Doar la 3GS cu bootrom vechi.