Tayasui Sketches Pro este aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii

Apple a anuntat aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii in cursul noptii trecute in AppStore pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch, ea putand fi descarcata gratuit de catre utilizatorii care doresc sa beneficieze de promotie in cursul urmatoarelor 7 zile.

Tayasui Sketches Pro este aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii aleasa de catre compania Apple pentru promovare in AppStore pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch. In clipul video de mai jos puteti vedea functionalitatea pe care o ofera aplicatia, ea permitand crearea de schite direct pe iDevice-urile noastre, ca si cum am face-o pe o coala de hartie.

Aplicatia Tayasui Sketches Pro a fost gandita in principal pentru artistii talentati care stiu sa foloseasca Apple Pencil, sau sunt dispusi sa-si foloseasca doar degetele. Cu ajutorul sau acestia pot crea adevarate opere de arta in direct pe iDevice-urile noastre, un artist cu imaginatie putand realiza ceea ce parea posibil doar pe tablete grafice profesionale, sau doar pe hartie.

“Because beautiful tools make beautiful drawings, we endlessly refined Sketches brushes to create the most realistic drawing tools. Sketches Pro is Sketches (free) with the Pro Bundle IAP included : Extra tools, Layers and many more pro features. Sketches is the most realistic, versatile and user-friendly sketching app designed for a mobile device. This exhaustive artist’s toolbox helps users create dazzling sketches, cheerful paintings and smashing illustrations on the go.”

Tayasui Sketches Pro ne pune la dispozitie nu mai putin de 20 de ustensile “reale” pentru a crea schitele, editoare pentru pensule, un sistem care ne permite sa alegem mai usor culorile si multe altele. Schitele pot fi exportate in format PNG, chiar si cu transparenta pentru fundal, deci avem practic tot ceea ce ne trebuie pentru a realiza schite grozave.

  • Import photos
  • Over 20 ultra realistic tools
  • Incredibly realistics watercolor wet brushes
  • Brushes Editor
  • Color Eyedropper
  • Pro Export and sharing
  • Use layers to simplify your task
  • Export them as separate PNG with transparency
  • Easily organize your drawings in beautiful and easy to personalize folders or books.
  • Discover even more realistic brushes while Styluses.
    We support Apple, Wacom and Adonit Styluses.
  • A Unique feeling : Each stroke behaves vividly and truly like brush on paper, adapting the pressure, angle, and width to your movements. It’s an effect you have to see to believe.
  • A unique UI with a touch of Zen : Tools are hidden away as you create and the bare minimum buttons are shown to make for a very clean canvas..
  • Community : Share your drawings with the Sketches Community where you can find inspirations and vote for other people drawings.

Tayasui Sketches Pro este disponibila pentru descarcare gratuita, in format universal, din AppStore urmand acest link.