Solutia de iOS 9.3.1 jailbreak a fost vanduta in China

Saptamana trecuta v-am spus ca un hacker cunoscut sub psuedonimul enMTW detine o solutie de iOS 9.3.1 jailbreak pe care doreste sa o lanseze, insa nu primeste ajutor din partea creatorului Cydia, saurik, pentru a le oferi utilizatorilor software-ul.

V-am spus atunci si cateva optiuni in baza carora solutia de iOS 9.3.1 jailbreak ar putea ajunge la utilizatori, iar hackerul a ales sa-si vanda exploit-urile in China pentru ca de acolo sa vina o noua solutie de jailbreak cu tot ceea ce este necesar pentru noi.

Intr-o explicatie publicata in cursul noptii trecute, hackerul a afirmat ca asupra sa a fost pusa o presiune foarte mare pentru a lansa solutia de jailbreak, insa fara Cydia ea nu ar fi fost utila, asa ca a acceptat mai putini bani pentru ea doar daca va fi lansata public.

Din acest punct nimeni nu stie cat ca dura pana cand chinezii ne vor oferit o solutie de iOS 9.3.1 jailbreak, insa este clar ca ea va veni cu Cydia si tot ceea ce avem nevoie pentru a ne putea bucura intr-adevar de un asemenea software pentru iOS.

Hi. I’ve made a decision. I held back on this because I didn’t want it to be seen as an Internet Jackass Day thing. Here goes.

Most of the Reddit replies want a jailbreak with SSH. Most of the non-Reddit replies want the bugs to go to China.

Doing it with just SSH is bad, because it shortens the window (signing window) and leaves me responsible for supporting the jailbreak. The community is terrible beyond belief, and I want to be done with it! So this option only solves one problem, and poorly solves it that.

So I’ve handed off bugs to China, taking a much lower amount for them in exchange for them being used in a public jailbreak. I DO IT FOR YOU, FOLKS.

This is the last thing I will ever say about Jailbreak. With this move, I am finally done. These last few weeks have been brutal and in no way worth it. Some of you are ok, many aren’t. This isn’t my primary interest, yet it is dominating my time and my @reply stream. My final request is for you fine folks to not @reply to me with jailbreak shit. Make it stop. Thanks!