Information from the Romanian Government for the Vaccination Campaign

Information Government of Romania Vaccination

The Romanian government, through the president of CNCAV, Valeriu Gheorghita, provided a series of important information yesterday regarding the situation of the vaccination campaign in Romania, and the steps they will take to increase the vaccination capacity.

The Romanian government presents all this information below, the purpose of these measures being to increase the vaccination capacity in Romania to 100.000 immunized people every day, all in order to reach the goals of 10 million vaccinated people by the fall.

"SEVEN steps to increase vaccination capacity against COVID-19:
6 April
Another 12 new vaccination clinics with serum produced by the Moderna company were operationalized. Currently, there are 86 vaccination centers with Moderna, which accumulate 103 vaccination streams.
7 April
It will increase the vaccination capacity on each stream, from 60 people to 90 people in the vaccination centers where vaccine is distributed from the Moderna company, respectively from the AstraZeneca company. In vaccination centers with Pfizer, the number of people allocated per stream increases to 72.
Family doctors will be involved in the vaccination campaign. To date, 3.028 family doctors, out of the 10.940 who are in a contractual relationship with CNAS, have opted to participate in the vaccination campaign through their offices.
10 April
The scheduling platform will show for each person on the waiting list how many people are registered in front and the daily vaccination capacity at the center they opted for.
13 April
Another 144 new clinics will be operationalized for vaccination with Pfizer.
20 April
Another 41 new vaccination offices will be opened, where vaccine from the Pfizer company will be allocated.
Vaccination will be started with mobile centers, which will serve the population in rural areas without access, at the moment, to vaccination centers and without family doctors. Vaccines from Johnson&Johnson will be allocated with priority for these vaccination centers."