Apple linisteste posesorii Apple Watch care au tatuaje (comic)

Apple Watch tatuaje incheietura

Apple Watch are probleme in a functiona corect pe incheieturile tatuate si desigur ca pentru o problema atat de mare compania Apple nu putea avea vreun raspuns care sa multumeasca sau sa linisteasca utilizatorii, sau poate ne inselam? Cei de la Scoopertino au reusit sa discute cu reprezentantii Apple in ceea ce priveste aceasta problema, iar mai jos aveti recomandarile lor pentru clientii care nu sunt multumiti de acest mic obstacol in utilizarea ceasului.

Dupa cum veti vedea mai jos, nici macar Tim Cook nu are probleme cu utilizarea Apple Watch, in ciuda numarului mare de tatuaje pe care le are, asa ca de ce ar avea vreo problema alte persoane ?

Tim Cook tatuat -

CUPERTINO — Worried that your cool arm tattoo will spoil the fun of your Apple Watch?


Responding to reports that tattoos interfere with Apple Watch functions, Apple has acted quickly to allay the fears of its well-inked customers.

In a press release today, Tim Cook says, “Now you can have the best of both worlds — a gorgeous tattoo and a gorgeous Apple Watch.”

The ingenious solution? The Apple Watch Tattoo Redesign Program.

Here’s how it works.

1. Go to
2. Select an Apple-certified tattoo removal facility near you.
3. Make an appointment to have an expert burn away a small part of your tattoo in the shape of Apple Watch.

As a bonus, you’ll receive an Apple Store Gift Card to help pay for the procedure. ($100 for 42mm designs and $75 for 38mm designs.)

If you’re thinking of getting a new tattoo, Apple has that covered as well.

A large selection of Apple-approved tattoos — each incorporating a blank space for Apple Watch — are available free of charge to registered tattoo artists.

“We love our customers,” says Cook, “especially the epidermally enhanced ones.”

To show solidarity with those who had felt disenfranchised, Apple is encouraging its employees to visit its new in-house tattoo studio, dubbed AppleTat.

Customer #1 — Tim Cook himself.