SkyFire retrasa din AppStore datorita suprasolicitarii serverelor

Aseara browserul SkyFire pentru iDevices a fost lansat in AppStore insa din pacate aplicatia nu a rezistat mai mult de 5 ore inainte sa fie retrasa definitiv de catre Apple la cererea celor de la SkyFire. Browserul a avut un succes atat de mare incat la doar cateva minute dupa publicarea in AppStore serverele celor de la SkyFire abia faceau fata pentru a converti continutul flash pentru toti cei care cumparasera aplictia. Sunt sigur ca, cei de la SkyFire nu se asteptau ca aplicatia lor sa fie cumparata de atata lume si mai mult ca sigur infrastructura pregatita de ei a fost rapid suprasolicitata de cererile repetate. Din pacate aplicatia a fost piratata la doar cateva minute dupa lansare deci foarte multe persoane au avut acces la serviciile ei fara a plati efectiv vreun ban iar asta probabil i-a pus in dificultate pe cei de la SkyFire.

In cele 5 ore de “prezenta” in AppStore Skyfire a ajuns sa fie aplicatia cu cele mai multe vanzari de-a lungul timpului in topul anumitor AppStores, a fost pe locul 3 in categoria utilitati si pe locul 3 in topul celor mai cumparate aplicatii in ultimele ore. Probabil va aduceti aminte ca imediat dupa lansarea browserului Opera in AppStore lumea s-a grabit sa il descarce si aplicatia a inregistrat 1 milion de descarcari in doar cateva zile de la lansare iar istoria se repeta acum cu SkyFire care are parte de un succes extraordinar. Nu se stie cand vom avea aplicatia disponibila din nou in AppStore, insa eu unul nu ii simt lipsa, voi?

Skyfire Becomes Top Grossing iPhone App in App Store and Sells Out of Inventory in Five Hours

Historic demand forces mobile browser to halt new sales and expand server capacity within hours of availability

Mountain View – Skyfire, the first iPhone browser that plays video designed for Adobe Flash Player, is announcing that they have sold out of inventory within five hours of its public launch.

Skyfire for iPhone has been received with overwhelming enthusiasm — far beyond internal projections. The result: the company is currently sold out of its first batch of Skyfire for the iPhone and is temporarily not accepting new purchases. The company is working to increase capacity and will be accepting new purchases from the Apple App StoreSM soon.

Skyfire is assuring users that the app’s sold out status was a temporary measure taken by Skyfire, and was not the decision of Apple, Inc., which has approved the app.

The app, previously available in the Apple App StoreSM for $2.99, bridges one major gap between Apple and Adobe technologies, enabling consumers to view millions of previously unavailable videos designed for Flash Player on Apple iOS devices.

The company which became the top grossing app in iTunes today ahead of popular titles like Angry Birds, experienced overwhelming consumer demand for its browser within hours of going live. The company is no stranger to consumer demand of its products as its Android browser generated over one million downloads in its first few months.

“Skyfire has historically generated high demand for its browser products but nothing like this,” states Skyfire CEO Jeffrey Glueck. “It was hard to predict consumer demand since this was our first paid app, but we were blown away by the demand and sales.”

The company plans to open another batch of its iPhone application in the near future. It recommends interested customers follow the company on Twitter @skyfire or on Facebook at for the new availability batch.
