ALARM Signal Fired by the Romanian Post and Brought to the Attention of All Romanians!

ALARM Signal Fired by the Romanian Post Office, Attention of All Romanians

The Romanian Post is raising a very serious alarm signal, which targets millions of Romanians from all over the country, and this is because, unfortunately, a new phishing campaign has been brought to our attention, which tries to steal our personal data, because then to steal our money too.

The Romanian Post is trying to warn us about this campaign in Romania, and this is because extremely many Romanians can fall into the net of hackers who want to harm them, so it is important to be vigilant and not be fooled.

ALARM Signal Fired by the Romanian Post and Brought to the Attention of All Romanians!

𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓̦𝐄! Recently, we have been faced with a series of phishing attempts in the name of the Romanian Post.

Many of you have already received messages notifying you that you have an undeliverable package, prompting you to click on a link. Well, we want to let you know that these messages 𝐍𝐔 are sent by Romanian Post.

Romanian Post operates exclusively with its official website and Facebook page.

Any other variant of the website name that might seem official and real does not belong to our Company and should not be accessed.

We also never ask customers to provide personal data, confidential banking information, card numbers or PINs, or make online or customs payments.

So, don't believe these messages and stay safe.