FreeAppADay : Cocoto Kart – aplicatia gratuita a zilei

Proiectul FreeAppADay care va aduce cate o aplicatie gratuita pentru iPhone/iPod Touch in fiecare zi continua astazi cu jocul : Cocoto Kart.

Cocoto Kart pentru iPhone/iPod Touch este foarte asemanator cu joculetul Mario Kart, practic participati la kart racing si trebuie sa le castigati prin eliminarea oponentilor din cursa fie prin incetinirea acestora indeajuns de mult incat sa ii depasiti.

Joculetul e facut de compania EuroCenter care are ceva ani de cand face jocuri pentru console si joculetul acesta(varianta free) este ca un caine fara picioare. Practic Cocoto Kart este un joculet online insa varianta free va limiteaza sa jucati doar in cele 10 curse, plus inca 5 battle maps avand la dispozitie 12 caractere diferite, 8 din start si inca 4 pe masura ce avansati in joc. Spuneam ca aplicatia e ca un caine fara picioare pentru ca ea a fost destinata jucarii in modul multiplayer insa aceasta optiune costa 0.99$/0.79€ asa ca fie dati bani pentru a juca online fie va limitati doar la ce va ofera varianta free aplicatiei.

Aveti aici un demo cu Cocoto Kart Online si mai jos feature-urile aplicatiei :

– 10 tracks plus 5 battle mode maps
– 4 difficulty modes including mirror mode
– Unique high quality soundtracks for each world
– More than 100 sound effects including voice acting for the characters
– 12 unique characters and karts with various animations for steering, accelerating, throwing bonuses etc.
– 8 drivers are available at the start, unlock 4 additional characters by winning the grand prix
– Unlock the super kart by winning the gold cup in mirror mode
– Many particle effects for accelerating, steering, sliding, jumping
– Various controls: use tilt with or without auto-steering or console-like controls with digital pad
– Online multiplayer mode with instant-play: always find players, no waiting time, watching running rounds
– Play the 10 tracks plus mirror mode online
– Battle mode: Special online game mode where the goal is to shoot the opponents 3 times
– includes arrows for showing where the opponents are, shows the power and status of the other players
– Seamless synchronization with low bandwidth usage, servers in USA, Europe and Asia
– Many bonus items: lava balls are automatically following the opponent, tomatos and slime balls can be dropped on the ground, turbos provide a speed up, use lava to protect and to stop opponents
– Activate items simply by shaking the iPhone or iPod touch, or alternatively tap on the upper part of the screen
– Jump by shaking for using shortcuts
– Update v1.1 brought new control options, improved battle mode, grand prix saving

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