iPhone are Camera mai buna ca Terminalele Android

iPhone are cea mai buna camera pentru inregistrarea de poze folosind un smartphone, conform fostului vicepresedinte senior al companiei Google, Vic Gundotra. Dimineata v-am spus ca aceasta a laudat camera iPhone 7 Plus pentru pozele pe care este capabila sa le faca, o postare pe Facebook fiind folosita pentru asta, insa iata ca el si-a completat ideea intr-un comentariu lasat de catre un utilizator.

iPhone are o camera mai buna decat terminalele Android, Gundotra confirmand asta in raspunsul lasat la un comentariu publicat de catre un utilizator care sustinea ca Samsung Galaxy S8 are o camera mai buna. Gundotra nu este de aceeasi parere, el spunand ca terminalele Android sunt “trase inapoi” de catre sistemul de operare dezvoltat de catre Google si ca smartphone-urile Apple sunt “la ani lumina” in fata celor Android.

iPhone pare sa fie singurul smartphone pe care Gundotra l-ar folosi pentru poze, el afirmand ca nu ar folosi vreodata un smartphone Android pentru asta, aparent nici macar Google Pixel. El spune ca aceasta “deschidere” a Android este practic problema, deoarece producatorii de smartphone-uri vin cu inovatii majore pentru camere, dar e nevoie de ani de zile pentru ca Google sa le ofere in Android.

iPhone se bucura de faptul ca Apple controleaza tot si desi acum 5 ani Google avea un sistem automat de inregistrare a pozelor care era grozav, acum lucrurile sunt diferite. Gundotra sustine ca orice persoana carea ii pasa de modul in care arata pozele facute cu un smartphone, ar trebui sa foloseasca un iPhone, sau sa nu se supere ca Android este cu catva ani in urma din acest punct de vedere.

I would never use an Android phone for photos!

Here is the problem: It’s Android. Android is an open source (mostly) operating system that has to be neutral to all parties. This sounds good until you get into the details. Ever wonder why a Samsung phone has a confused and bewildering array of photo options? Should I use the Samsung Camera? Or the Android Camera? Samsung gallery or Google Photos?

It’s because when Samsung innovates with the underlying hardware (like a better camera) they have to convince Google to allow that innovation to be surfaced to other applications via the appropriate API. That can take YEARS.

Also the greatest innovation isn’t even happening at the hardware level – it’s happening at the computational photography level. (Google was crushing this 5 years ago – they had had “auto awesome” that used AI techniques to automatically remove wrinkles, whiten teeth, add vignetting, etc… but recently Google has fallen back).

Apple doesn’t have all these constraints. They innovate in the underlying hardware, and just simply update the software with their latest innovations (like portrait mode) and ship it.

Bottom line: If you truly care about great photography, you own an iPhone. If you don’t mind being a few years behind, buy an Android.”

iphone camera Android