DeleteWord – un nou mod de a sterge cuvintele in iOS

      DeleteWord este un tweak despre care am vorbit acum 2 saptamani cand va spuneam ca el ne permite sa stergem cuvinte intregi folosind tastatura din iOS. In mod normal procesul de stergere incepe cu doar cateva cuvinte insa DeleteWord ne permite sa stergem direct cuvinte folosind butonul de stergere al tastaturii, simplificand astfel procesul de stergere al unor fraze. Acum tweak-ul a fost actualizat si o noua versiune a sa este disponibila in Cydia dar cu multe imbunatatiri la care dezvoltatorul a lucrat de-a lungul vremii :

  • Holding the delete button now keeps intervally deleting words
  • The delete button is modified when the delete word function is currently in use (by pressing shift).
  • Did not properly delete whitespace in the past. Fixed!
  • Added the ability to disable the tweak.
  • Added a settings page to:
    1- Enable/disable tweak
    2- Enable/disable delete button modification (since it may not look good on a custom keyboard)
    3- change from multitouch to sequential touch, which means you don’t need two hands/fingers anymore

      Versiunea 1.2 a Delete Word este disponibila gratuit in Cydia in repo-ul BigBoss.