Confirm2Proceed te ajuta sa impiedici actiunile accidentale in iOS (Video)


  Confirm2Proceed este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei zile in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau ne putem asigura ca nu intreprindem accidental diverse actiuni in aplicatiile iDevice-urilor noastre. Mai exact, aplicatia implementeaza un mesaj de confirmare pentru intreprinderea diverselor actiuni intr-o serie de aplicatii prezente in iDevice-urile noastre, iar in clipul video de mai sus puteti vedea exact cum functioneaza el.

How many times you have sent a message by mistake and wasted your units ? How many times you have sent an email by mistake or a voice record in whatsapp which you didn’t mean to ? or called someone by mistake ect…. Confirm2Proceed fixes that for you by launching UIAlert to confirm if you are sure and you can also choose to vibrate when you receive UIAlerts!

  Confirm2Proceed este disponibil pentru DOWNLOAD la pretul de 1$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

Supported apps so far :

  • Messages;
  • Email;
  • WhatsApp;
  • Instagram;
  • Viber;
  • Phone.