TweetDeck update 0.32

tweetdeck Pentru toti ce care folosesc TweetDeck, incepand de astazi exista un nou update care aduce o seria intreaga de optiuni noi, printre care cele mai importante sunt : geotagging, support pentru twitter lists, retweets si LinkedIn support.

Iata lista intreaga de updates :

* LinkedIn integration – Add a linkedIn column to see updates from your network, send status updates and comment on updates from your contacts
* Twitter List support – Create & manage Twitter Lists within TweetDeck. Follow & unfollow Lists, Create List columns and even get suggested members based on your List title
* Geo-location support – Show an inline map for tweets that contain location data using the new Twitter geo-location setting
* Twitter Retweet support – Flexibility to perform both traditional retweets with edits, or the new-style retweets, with both types shown in your columns
* New improved Add Column screen – Old toolbar icons and drop down menus replaced by slick new Add Column screen
* And many more smaller updates and fixes

Si un video cu explicari :

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