A schimbat Apple procesul de productie a iPhone 4 pentru a rezolva problema cu semnalul?

Un cititor al Gizmodo a avut probleme cu senzorul de proximitate, si desigur semnalul, asa ca s-a dus cu telefonul la un Apple Store din New York pentru a cere schmbarea terminalului. Odata ajuns acolo reprezentantul Apple a diagnosticat aparatul si a descoperit ca acesta functioneaza necorespunzator asa ca a decis schimbarea pe loc a terminalului spunandu-i posesorului ca toate terminalele iPhone 4 aduse cu probleme cu senzorul de proximitate au fost schimbate pe loc. Noul terminal primit de client era putin diferit din punct de vedere hardware fata de cel vechi : senzorii de proximitate erau mai proeminenti(adica se vedeau, in timp ce la vechiu terminal nu erau vizibili) si entenele telefonului au culoarea usor schimbata, este acum mai mata. Posesorul ar fi testat noul telefonul si nu am ai putut reproduce problemele cu semnalul nici cu senzorul de proximitate, nici in magazin nici la iesirea din acesta.

Sa fi schimbat Apple procesul de productie a iPhone 4 pentru a rezolva problema aceasta? Sa primeasca inapoi toate terminalele venite cu probleme cu semnalul si sa le inlocuiasca cu altele noi? Tot ce se poate… daca utilizatorul are dreptate atunci Apple face un “silent callback” pentru terminalele sale, adica schimba toate terminalele afectate cu unele noi produse diferit. Diferenta ar putea consta in aplicarea unei solutii pe antenele telefonului care ar impiedica posibila conectare a acestora prin punerea degetului intre ele.

Nu stiu ce sa spun, deocamdata e doar o singura marturie asa ca eu unul astept si altele, dar s-ar parea ca Apple ar fi rezolvat problema cu semnalul.

I’ve been following all of the iPhone 4 stuff since I got mine the day before release. I was able to replicate the signal issue. I also had the proximity sensor issue, causing inadvertent mute button pushing. There were a few other software issues I was experiencing so I consulted Apple at the Fifth Avenue store in New York. They replaced my phone. The diagnostic showed that the OS was corrupt and certain utilities were failing. [They claimed that] all phones with a proximity sensor issue were being sent back to Apple for further study.

Well, when I got the new phone it was different. It was different hardware. The black [plastic] bezel isn’t as black on the new one. I couldn’t see the proximity sensor at all on the previous iPhone 4, now I can. The stainless steel band on the new phone is less ‘steel-y’ and more matte. I’ve also tried to replicate the signal drop and failure. While I can’t say for sure that it is entirely fixed, there is certainly huge improvement. I’m guessing they coated the steel with something, took some black out of the bezel and sent them out without saying too much about it. I also think Apple is willing to warranty a phone for any reason except the signal issue.

The guy next to me said that he had to press the home button several times before the phone would come back from stand-by. This happened once. The Apple tech ran the diagnostic, everything was fine. They still replaced his phone. I think they’re doing a ‘silent recall’.