Transforma-ti iDevice-ul intr-un stick USB folosind Mobile Disc

Mobile Disc este o aplicatie pentru iDevices cu ajutorul careia putem transforma dispozitivul nostr-un intr-un veritabil stick USB. Stiti cu totii ca Apple nu permite copierea fisierelor in terminale decat prin iTunes si doar in anumite aplicatii, iar la conectarea dispozitivului la PC singurele fisiere care pot fi descarcate sunt pozele si clipurile video. Aplicatia permite administrarea tuturor fisierelor direct din telefon, deci veti putea rearanja, redenumi, sterge orice direct din dispozitiv.

Iata cateva functii ale Mobile Disc :

  • Fast data transfer via USB
  • Integrated file preview for most formats: e.g. Word, Excel, Powerpoint, iWorks files, PDFs, photos and graphics, text files, MP3s, MOVs…
  • Unpack Zip-files directly to your Mobile Disc, or compress files to free up disc space without having to delete data
  • Mobile Disc shows you both the used and available memory at a glance.
  • Create new folders, delete and move files or change their names.
  • If Mobile Disc can’t open a particular file type, it will automatically search for suitable Apps on your device that can.

Pretul initial:
Mobile Disc – USB Hard Drive


Developer: Dominic Rodemer
Categoria: Productivity

Descriere: Available at a low introductory price for a short time only!

With Mobile Disc, you can turn your iPhone or iPod touch into a portable hard drive with loads of different functions!



Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 0.5 Mb