Samsung Galaxy tab vanduta in doar 20.000 de exemplare din 1 milion de unitati fabricate

     Anul trecut Samsung lansa Galaxy Tab, o tableta cu un ecrand e 7 inch care trebuia sa fie raspunsul producatorului asiatic pentru lansarea tabletei iPad de catre Apple. Desi oficial Samsung nu a anuntat cifre privind vanzarile tabletei, un director al companiei Lenovo sustine ca 1 milion de tablete Galaxy Tab au fost fabricate de catre partenerii Samsung insa doar 20.000 au fost oficial vandute. Informatia vine de la Andrew Barrow, directorul departamentului care stabileste preturile produselor Lenovo pentru Europa de Vest, si a fost preluata de catre ziarul britanic Guardian.

An executive at Android tablet maker Lenovo claims that Samsung sold only 20,000 of the 1m tablets that it shipped last year as it tried to “buy share” from market leader Apple. The dramatically low figure suggests that Samsung’s efforts with its first 7-inch tablet, launched exactly a year ago, fell far short of targets. Andrew Barrow, director of consumer products and pricing for Lenovo Western Europe, told the Guardian that the problem with trying to substantially undercut the price of the Apple iPad, of which around 30m have so far been sold, was that “any [manufacturer] would be giving money away.” Samsung said at the end of 2010 that it had shipped 1m of its 7-inch Galaxy devices, which were seen as the first real Android competitors to Apple’s iPad. However, according to Barrow, Samsung only sold 20,000 of the tablets. Samsung had not returned a request for comment on Barrow’s claim by the time of publication.

      Oficial compania Samsung anuntase ca livrase 1 milion de tablete in cursul anului 2010 insa nu a specificat undeva cate anume au fost exact vandute catre consumatori. Cifra prezentata de Barrow mi se pare a fie extre de mica si eu unul consider ca Samsung a vadut de cel putin 10 ori mai multe tablete desi nu foarte multa lume a fost chiar atat de interesata de ele. Desigur ca Samsung nu a dorit sa comenteze afirmatiile lui Barrow deci vanzarile au fost intr-adevar mult sub asteptari altfel compania s-ar fi laudat asa cum a facut si cu Samsung Galaxy S/S II.