Siri recunoaste cuvintele mai bine decat Samsung Galaxy Tab

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    Intrand in posesia unui iPhone 4S astazi m-am jucat desigur cu noul asistent Siri si imediat am observat ca recunoaste fara probleme 90% dintre cuvintele rostite de mine desi nu sunt vorbitor nativ de limba engleza. Am lasat Siri cu setarile default si pana acum am fost uimit de cat de bine se descurca noul asistent al celor de la Apple. In aceeasi idee a fost facut un test si de catre BBC, care a dorit sa afle daca Siri se descurca mai bine decat sistemul de recunoastere a comenzilor vocale implementat in Samsung Galaxy Tab iar din fericire sistemul celor de la Apple a iesit invingator.

     Siri nu a scris corect toate cuvintele insa fata de Samsung Galaxy Tab s-a descurcat mult mult mai bine si textele de mai jos confirma acest lucru.

Iata textul rostit celor doua dispozitive:

It’s a challenge that has occupied scientists for decades and promised huge fortunes to anyone who could solve it. I’m talking about speech recognition, back in the news because it is one of the most significant features of Apple’s latest phone. Will it remain an amusing party-trick – or become the key way in which we communicate with computers?

Iata textul scris de Siri:

It’s a challenge that has occupied scientists the decade and promised huge fortunes to anyone who could solve it stop I’m talking about speech recognition back in the news because it is one of the most significant features of Apples latest phone STOCK will it remain unamusing party trick or become McKee way in which we communicate with COMPUTERS?

Iata textul scris de Samsung Galaxy Tab :

If I started the decade and poets 14th avenue and hope It stops on Interstate recognItIon back In the news because It’s 1 of the most signIant pIctures of apples latest phone got the wIll remaIn In the musIc of the trIck or become a keyway computers.