TomTom lanseaza o aplicatie pentru tableta iPad

    TomTom si-a actualizat astazi aplicatia din App Store lansand o noua versiune care este acum compatibila si cu tabletele iPad/iPad 2 ale companiei Apple. Aplicatiile TomTom sunt de astazi universale deci daca achizitionati o aplicatie o veti putea utiliza atat pe iPhone/iPod Touch cat si pe tableta iPad. Din pacate update-ul aduce vesti proaste pentru posesorii de iPhone 3G deoarece de acum incolo noile versiuni ale aplicatiilor TomTom nu vor mai aduce functii noi si pentru vechiul dispozitiv care are disponibil doar iOS 4.2.1 pentru el.

     Iata ce modificari a implementat TomTom in aplicatiile sale :

– OPTIMISED FOR iPAD: Make the most of your iPad, with a full-screen display that shows you driving view and Advanced Lane Guidance images at the same time. Purchase connected services in-App or easily transfer your existing subscriptions (cellular connection required). When you want to go bigger, move your TomTom App to iPad.

– LATEST, UPDATED TOMTOM MAP: Because roads are constantly changing, on average 15% of roads change every year, your TomTom App update comes with the latest and most up-to-date map.

– IMPROVED INTERFACE: Your TomTom App is quicker and easier to use than ever. See driving view with one touch from anywhere, access guidance options in a tap, and switch between different route types more easily. It’s a simpler way to enjoy TomTom navigation on your iPhone or iPad.

iPHONE 3G USERS: THIS IS THE LAST VERSION OF THE TOMTOM APP FOR iPHONE THAT WILL FULLY SUPPORT YOUR DEVICE. You will be able to download and use the next version of the TomTom App but new features will not be available to you.

    Din pacate pentru Romania TomTom nu are harti chiar atat de detaliate insa pentru centrul si Vestul Europei veti gasi cam tot ce va intereseaza.

Pretul initial:
TomTom Eastern Europe



Developer: TomTom
Categoria: Navigation

Descriere: The TomTom App. World-class TomTom navigation, on your iPhone or iPad
New to v1.9: Now iPad-optimised for a sharper, full screen view

*** Great reasons to choose the TomTom App for iPhone/iPad ***

Only …

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 368.2 Mb


  1. Singura problema este ca e nevoie sa iei separat versiunea pentru europa de vest si separat cea de est. de ce nu fac un pachet promo cu ambele, nu stiu.